Login bei 'AstenJohnson On-Line Training (AJOLT)'
Neu auf dieser Webseite?
If you cannot login then it is possible that you are not registered in the AJOLT system. Your username is your full AJ email address (e.g. john.doe@astenjohnson.com)
Please contact Elaine Reed (elaine.reed@astenjohnson.com) to be added to the system.
- If you forget your login password, please use the Lost password? link under the Log in button to reset it.
- Si vous oubliez votre mot de passe de connexion, veuillez utiliser Lost password? lien sous le bouton Log in pour le réinitialiser.
- Pokud zapomenete své přihlašovací heslo, použijte prosím heslo Zapomněli jste heslo? odkaz pod tlačítkem Přihlásit se pro resetování.
- Wenn Sie Ihr Login-Passwort vergessen haben, verwenden Sie bitte die Schaltfläche Lost password? Klicken Sie auf den Link unter der Schaltfläche Log in, um ihn zurückzusetzen.
- 如果您忘记了登录密码,请使用丢失密码? 登录按钮下的链接可将其重置。
- Username: your AstenJohnson email address (e.g. john.doe@astenjohnson.com or john.doe@ajnw.com)
- Password: changeme (first time only, you will be asked to change it)
- An email will be sent to your AJ email address asking you to login and change your password
- Once you have changed your password you will granted access to the site
Most courses are auto-enrol which means you can enrol yourself. If you encounter a course where you cannot enrol, please contact the course Teacher.